How to remove Antivirus XP 2008 virus?

mbam_setupRecently, I have noticed a lot of people got infected with the ‘Antivirus XP 2008′ virus.

Below are the instructions on how to remove it.

1 – Download the attachment from this post and uncompress it
2 – Run the ‘exe’ file to start the installation
3 – Use all default settings, and make sure to check both the ‘Update Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware.
4 – Do a ‘Scan’ on the computer
5 – Once it finished scanning it will list out all detect viruses found and give you an option to remove them.
6 – Choose option to remove viruses. It will automatically remove the virus for you.
7 – Close out program and restart computer.
8 – Yeah… Virus removed!
